@thesis{thesis, author={Tri Suryani}, title ={GAMBARAN PEMBERIAN HEPATOPROTEKTOR TERHADAP PERUBAHAN KADAR SGOT/SGPT PADA PASIEN HEPATITIS IMBAS OAT DI RSUD KAB. KARANGANYAR}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/448/}, abstract={Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although Anti-Hepatitis drugs have a bactericidal and bacteriostatic ability against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Anti-Hepatitis drugs also causes side effects, one of which is hepatitis because it uses Anti-Hepatitis drugs. This study discusses hepatitis B in tuberculosis patients in RSUD Kab. Karanganyar in 2019. This research is a descriptive study with retrospective purposes. The study subjects received 69 tuberculosis patients who received inpatient or outpatient Anti-Hepatitis drugs. This study was conducted by observing patient characteristics including sex, age, elevated levels of SGPT and severity of hepatitis due to using Anti-Hepatitis drugs. The results showed that as many as 36 male patients (52.2%) and 33 female patients (47.8%) suffered from tuberculosis with the most age range, namely 46-55 years (34.8%). There were 34 patients (49.3%) who suffered from hepatitis due to using Anti-Hepatitis drugs and were divided into 3 categories, namely the normal category of 27 patients (79.4%), stage 1 of 5 people (14.7%) and stage 2 of 2 patients (5.9%). The conclusion of this research is Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb) can be used as a hepatoprotector so that it can reduce levels of SGOT and SGPT in patients. Based on the stage of severity of respondents who experienced OAT-induced hepatitis from 34 patients (49.3%), it was categorized into three categories: 27 patients (79.4%) in normal category, 5 in Stadium 1 (14.7%), 2 in Stadium 2 (5.9%) ).} }