@thesis{thesis, author={Asih Cahya Mahanani}, title ={GAMBARAN PENGGUNAAN INSULIN PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS DI INSTALASI RAWAT INAP RUMAH SAKIT PANTI WALUYO SURAKARTA}, year={2019}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/45/}, abstract={Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristics of hyperglycemia that occur due to abnormal insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. Indonesia is ranked fourth in the number of people with diabetes mellitus in the world after the United States, India, and China. Based on data known that about 90% of DM patients to reduce and control blood glucose levels near the normal range can be given oral antidiabetic therapy, insulin administration or combination of both. The purpose of this study was to find out the description of insulin use in the treatment of DM patients and the suitability of using formulary insulin in the Inpatient Pharmacy Installation of Panti Waluyo Hospital. This study was a descriptive study conducted in a retrospective. The population was 344 medical peer-reviewed sheets and the number of research samples 185 taken with non propability sampling techniques. Based on the results of the study during the period January-June 2018, 185 people(100%) of the study subjects suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus and according to the Hospital formulary, there were more female diabetes mellitus patients than male patients,52% female patients and male patients 48%. All patients are diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The comorbidities in patients with diabetes mellitus were 30,81% hypertension and stroke, 11,90% diabetes mellitus with HHD (Heart Hypertension Disease), 8,65% diabetes mellitus with CRF (Chronic Renal Failure), diabetes mellitus with CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) 11.89 %, Patients received single insulin therapy as much as 92.43% and combination insulin therapy as much as 7.57%.} }