@thesis{thesis, author={Yogi Dwi Ayuningsih}, title ={ANALISIS CEMARAN PESTISIDA DIMETOAT GOLONGAN ORGANOFOSFAT PADA RIMPANG KENCUR (Kaempferia galanga L.) SECARA SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-VIS}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/455/}, abstract={Kencur is a traditional medicine which has been very popular by the people of Indonesian. Efforts to control the destructive organisms in this plant still using pesticides. Misuse the rules of pesticides and the residues will induce the negative impacts for kencur?s consumers, especially hepar disease. This research was conducted to find out the content of pesticide organophosphate?s contamination, especially dimethoate by Spektrofotometri UV-Vis method. Qualitative analysis in this research using color reagents was result that kencur had positive contains residues of dimethoate pesticides. Quantitative analysis was result that wavelength 714.0 nm and operating time in the 10th minute. Based on the results of the research detected pesticide contamination dimetoatwith an average content of 0.2734 mg / kg where the results exceed the established Maximum Residue Limit (BMR) of <0.1 mg / kg and indicate that the kencur sample is dangerous for consumption.} }