@thesis{thesis, author={Zila Tjhia Kokafrinsia Tjhia Kokafrinsia}, title ={OPTIMASI CAMPURAN AVICEL PH 101 DAN LAKTOSA SEBAGAI BAHAN PENGISI PADA TABLET EKSTRAK BUNGA ROSELLA (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) SECARA GRANULASI BASAH}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/460/}, abstract={Rosella flower (Hibiscuss sabdariffa L.) can be used as traditionally medication for coroner disease, cancer and liver. This research was aimed to get the optimum formula tablets of Avicel PH 101 and Laktosa as a fillers with wet granulation method. Rosella flower extract was obtained by macerating of rosella powder with etanol 70%. Tablet formula based on the Simplex Lattice Design method using Design Expert version 10. The results obtained from Simplex Lattice Design compared with the results of testing used SPSS 18 program using One Sample T-test with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that rosella flower extract was made by wet granulation method with formula ratio Avicel PH 101 97,82% : Laktosa 2,17% with weight uniformity 11,53%±0,0073; hardness 5,087 kg ±0,5135;friability 0,3%±0,041 meeting the requirements, but for disintegration does not meet the requirements is 22,99 minutes ± 2,218. The results showed that the method used to verify the optimal formula is valid.} }