@thesis{thesis, author={Fanny Fariyan Wibisono}, title ={PENETAPAN KADAR FLAVONOID TOTAL SEDUHAN DAUN KERSEN ( Muntingia Calabura) SEGAR DAN KERING DENGAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-VIS}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/464/}, abstract={Cherry plants are tropical plants that grow a lot in various regions in Indonesia cherries contain antioxidant activity, one of which is flavonoids. This study aims to determine the total flavonoid levels of steeping dried and fresh cherry leaves by using the UV-Vis spectrophotometry method. In steeping fresh cherry leaves have levels of 0.01257 ± 7.144606917.10-07 with % KV of 0.005683%. While dry steeping has levels of 0.09277 ± 1,300369371.10-5 with% KV of 0.0140%. Furthermore, the test "Homogeneity of Variances" obtained a significant value of 0.789> 0.05. In the Anova test that the significant value of flavonoid levels is 0,000 <0.05, it can be seen that there is a significant difference between the total flavonoid levels of steeping fresh and dried cherry leaves.} }