@thesis{thesis, author={Maylinda Sekar Kusumawati}, title ={PENENTUAN KADAR ANTOSIANIN TOTAL EKSTRAK METANOL BIJI PEPAYA VARIETAS BANGKOK (Carica papaya L.var. Bangkok ) dengan METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI UV-Visibel}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/467/}, abstract={Papaya seeds contain anthocyanin compounds which have the potential as hepatoprotectors. Anthocyanin has a conjugated dual system which is able to make anthocyanin as an antioxidant with the mechanism of catching free radicals (Mardiah, et all., 2009). This research aims to determine the total anthocyanin levels in the papaya seed methanol extract of bangkok varieties. Extraction of active compounds extracted in the sample using the maceration method with methanol 1%HCl as a solvent. The yield of liuid extracts 14%,14,6%,14,6%. Determination of total anthocyanin levels was carried out by spectrophotometric UV-visible method, the maximum wavelength of papaya seeds methanol extract is 516, 5 nm. Average levels produced by papaya seeds methanol extract is 12,957 mg/100gram extract, with % coefficient of variation 0,225%.} }