@thesis{thesis, author={Nina Yuliana}, title ={GAMBARAN PENGGUNAAN OBAT PASIEN SIROSIS HATI INSTALASI RAWAT INAP DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH dr SOEDIRAN MANGUN SUMARSO WONOGIRI PERIODE 2018-2019}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/471/}, abstract={Liver cirrhosis with its complications is a health problem thai is still difficult to overcome. Proper treatment management of liver cirrhosis in patient can reduce the severity of complications and decrease morbidity an mortality rates. This research aimed to find out the characteristics of patients and the use of drug for liver cirrhosis patients in inpatient installation of dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Regional Hospital of Wonogiri. This study was a descriptive survey research with retrospective data collection for 2 (two) years in the period of January 2018- December 2019. The research was conducted on 104 medical records of liver cirrhosis patients. The result of research showed that most patients were 46-55 years old (38.50), and male (66.30%); by drug use, the drug used most frequently was gastrointestinal drug (29.40%) i.e. omeprazole (24.10%), hepatoprotector (15.00%) i.e. curcuma (63.70%), body liquid substitute infuse (13.60%) i.e. lactate ringer infuse (61.50%), and diuretic drug, the combination of spironolactone and furosemide (51.00%); by other secondary diseases or its complication, patients with ascites secondary disease were found most widely (48.40%).} }