@thesis{thesis, author={Viqi Kurnia Wardani}, title ={FORMULASI TRANSDERMAL PATCH EKSTRAK ETANOL BIJI PEPAYA (Carica papaya L.) DENGAN BASIS HYDROXYPROPIL METILCELLULOSE (HPMC)}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/481/}, abstract={Papaya seeds contain secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, that are antioxidants. Ethanolic extract of Papaya seed (Carica papaya L.) was formulated into transdermal patch to avoid the fisrt pass effect and maintain the bioavailability of drugs in plasma besides that flavonoids have low solubility sothat transdermal patches are made to increase their bioavailability. This research aims to determine the concentration of HPMC which can produce a good physical stability, and to find out the differenceson physical stability of the transdermal patch. Papaya seeds were extracted using maceration method with 95% ethanol. It is made into transdermal patch with 1%, 2%, 3% concentration of polymer HPMC. There are some testing include organoleptic, uniformity of weight, drying shrinkage, thickness, moisture uptake, folding endurance and pH. The result of this research showedthat adding HPMC has impacts on increasing weight, thickness, folding endurance, and moisture uptake. Transdermal patch with 1% HPMC concentration has better stability than other formulas with a weight of approximately 0,27 g, a thickness of 0,01 mm, loss drying 0%, and moisture uptake12,01%} }