@thesis{thesis, author={Betty Ayu Dewi Wulandari}, title ={TINGKAT KESESUAIAN ITEM OBAT DALAM RESEP PASIEN BPJS TERHADAP FORMULARIUM DI BANGSAL CENDANA RSUD DR MOEWARDI PERIODE OKTOBER - DESEMBER 2019}, year={2020}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/501/}, abstract={Hospital Formulary is a list of medicines compiled by the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee (PFT) and agreed by medical staff and refers to the National Formulary, which is determined and enforced by the hospital leadership. Inadequate prescription writing for formulary can result in a decrease in the quality of hospital services. This study aims to determine the percentage of the suitability of the drug items in the recipe for hospital formularies and National Formularies and based on their therapeutic grade. This study is a descriptive non-experimental study with a retrospective time approach by observing and evaluating prescription sheets written by specialists in the Cendana ward of Dr.Moewardi Hospital. The results of this study indicate that the level of conformity of drug items to the National Formulary and Hospital Formulary in the Cendana ward of Dr. Moewardi Regional Hospital is 68.31% and 93.25%, and writing based on therapeutic class there are 12 therapeutic classes according to National Formulary from 23 therapeutic classes and 15 therapeutic classes according to Hospital Formulary.} }