@thesis{thesis, author={Sabilla Hudzaifah Ma'ruf}, title ={PENETAPAN KADAR TOTAL FLAVONOID EKSTRAK ETANOL KACANG MERAH (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) SECARA SPEKTROFOTOMETRI VISIBEL}, year={2019}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/51/}, abstract={Red kidney bean is one of the string bean that contain highest fiber with concentration 26,3 gram/100 gram substance. Red kidney bean contains flavonoid tannin steroid/triterpenoid and kumarin. Flavonoid in red kidney bean has antidiabetes activity. This research aims to determine total flavonoids content in the red kidney bean extract. Extraction is done using maceration method with 70% ethanol solvent. The extract which is got is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Quercetin used as a standard solution. Qualitative analisys using TLC, Wilstater Cyanidin method, and qualitative analisys using aqueous NaOH. Quantitative analysis using Visible Spectrophotometry on a wavelength of 430.0 nm and operating time at the 27th minute. The results of qualitative test showed that the extract was positive flavonoids. The average concentrations of total flavonoids was 0,4733% extract with a variation coefficient value of 1,2%.} }