@thesis{thesis, author={Ria Kurnia Sari}, title ={UJI EFEK ANTIPIRETIK EKSTRAK ETANOL RIMPANG TEMU KUNCI (Boesenbergia rotunda) PADA TIKUS PUTIH JANTAN DENGAN INDUKSI RAGI}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/530/}, abstract={Boesenbergia rotunda or also known as Temu Kunci is a speciesused by various ethnic groups as a medical ingredient. The purpose of this study was to determine wether Temu Kunci had antypiretic activity in yeast-induced male white rats of 140mg, 350mg, dan 700mg/200gBB.This research used 25 white male rats which is divided into 5 groups of negative control (CMC Na 1%), positive control (Parasetamol 45/kgBB) and the group of ethanol extract of rhizome Temu Kunci (doses of 140mg, 350mg, 700mg/200gBB). Rats were induced brewer's yeast intraperitonial. The body temperature is measured using digital rectal thermometer, the temperature was measured every 30 minutes to 150 minutes after oral administration , and the data obtained To, Tdemam and temperatured measurements every time. The data is used to calculate AUC and average of AUC were analyzed by Saphiro wilk test and One way ANOVA test. The measurement result of body temperature showed the ethanol extract of the rhizome temu kunci have the most effective antypiretic effect with dose 350mg/220gBB.} }