@thesis{thesis, author={Monica Sekar Rosari}, title ={ANALISIS KADAR KUERSETIN PADA SARI PERASAN BUAH BLIGO (Benincasa hispida) DENGAN METODE HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY (HPLC)}, year={2019}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/54/}, abstract={Quercetin is a compound that can activate the extracellular signal-related kinase (ERK ½) pathway which will increase insulin secretion and protect pancreatic ? cells from oxidative damage. The purpose of this study was to analyze the levels of quercetin contained in bligo juice extract (Benincasa hispida). The juice extract sample was analyzed using HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) with the stationary phase C18 (Octadesilsilica). Mobile phase of methanol: 0.1% phosphoric acid (65: 35) flowed at a rate of 1 mL / minute. The HPLC instrument detector is set at the maximum wavelength of quercetin which is 371 nm. The standard curve used is 0.2 - 1.8 ppm with a correlation coefficient of 0.9983. The results showed that the juice of bligo fruit juice contained quercetin with a level of 0.2740 mg% with coefficient of variation of 0.1074%} }