@thesis{thesis, author={Galuh Sekar Mayang}, title ={FORMULASI DAN EVALUASI SEDIAAN GEL HAND SANITIZER MINYAK SERAI (Cymbopogon citratus L.) DAN UJI AKTIVITAS TERHADAP BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureus}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/553/}, abstract={Lemongrass oil (Cymbopogon citratus L.) contains monoterpene compounds such as citral and geraniol which have antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Lemongrass oil handsanitizer gel has good aesthetic value, which is transparent, easily evenly applied to the skin without pressing, gives a cool sensation, does not cause skin marks and is easy to use. The purpose of this study was to determine what is the best carbopol 940 base concentration in the lemon grass oil handsanitizer gel (Cymbopogon citratus L.) and how the effect of differences in carbopol 940 base concentration on the physical stability of lemongrass oil hand sanitizer gel (Cymbopogon citratus L.). Handsanitizer gel was made with 12.5% lemongrass oil concentration and 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% carbopol base concentrations. The formulations were tested for physical stability for 28 days on days 0, 7, 28 including the results of the organoleptic test, homogeneity test, viscosity test, pH test, adhesion test, spreadability test, and antibacterial activity test using the well method. The test data obtained were analyzed by One Way Anova with a confidence level of 95%. The test results showed the best base concentration of carbopol 940 1.5% by showing the organoleptic test (thick gel, milky white & clear, distinctive smell of lemongrass), viscosity test of 250 ± 0 dPa.s, pH 6.5 ± 0 which is safe at pH skin, adhesion 0.38 ± 0.00, spreadability 6.1 ± 0.3 and homogeneity test with no visible coarse grain. Increasing the concentration of carbopol in the gel preparation can increase the viscosity and adhesion but reduce the spreadability. Increasing the concentration of carbopol in the gel did not affect the diameter of bacterial inhibition. The bacterial activity test of the formula containing lemongrass oil resulted in an inhibition zone of ?86.00 mm.} }