@thesis{thesis, author={Atik Damawanti}, title ={GAMBARAN PENGGUNAAN SUPLEMEN PADA PASIEN RAWAN JALAN SEBELUM DAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 DI RSUI YAKSSI GEMOLONG SRAGEN PERIODE SEPTEMBER 2019 - AGUSTUS 2020}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/580/}, abstract={This research is a descriptive survey research whit retrospective data collection for 1 year, namely the period September 2019-August 2020. This study shows that patients who use the most supplements are vulnerable aged 45-65 years as much as 30,91%, supplement users based on active vitamin content. Both before and duringthe pandemic were almost the same, namely as much as 45,60%, the number of supplement usert based on the number of prescri[tions that were still before the pandemic was 441 tablets in 55patiens, while during the pandemic there were 760 tablets in 55 patients, the users of supplements based on the type of supplement brand before rhe pandemic were as many as 8 brabds of supplements and during the pandemic as many as 19 brands of supplements. Conclusion: this study the users of supplements in outpatients both before and during the Covid-19 pandemic at RSUI YAKSSI Gemolong Sragen, the most widely used in susceptible people aged 46-65 years (30,91%), female sex (65,36%), with the content of a single active vitamin substance (45,60%), users of supplements based on the number of prescriptions received before the pandemic were 441 tablet (39,30%) and during the pandemic as many as 760 tablets (60,70%) there was an increase of 70%.} }