@thesis{thesis, author={Widya Adi Putri}, title ={GAMBARAN PENGOBATAN PASIEN SUSPEK COVID-19 DI BANGSAL ISOLASI RAWAT INAP RS. BRAYAT MINULYA SURAKARTA PERIODE MARET – OKTOBER 2020}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/609/}, abstract={This study is based on the prevalence of an increase in cases of suspected COVID-19 patients in hospital isolation at Brayat Minulya Hospital for the period March - October 2020, there were 55 cases of suspected COVID-19 patients, where treatment therapy for suspected COVID-19 was an important factor in healing COVID-19 supp patients. 19. This study aims to determine the characteristics and see the suitability of therapeutic description of the treatment of suspected COVID19 patients with the Guidelines for Management of COVID-19, edition 2 of 2020. This research is a non-experimental research which was conducted retrospectively and analyzed descriptively. The sampling technique was saturated sampling of 55 patients with suspected COVID-19 in inpatient isolation at Brayat Minulya Hospital for the period March-October 2020. Analysis of research data on suspected COVID-19 patients based on the characteristics of the patient's age and sex, degree of disease severity, presence or absence of comorbidities. , as well as the types of diseases it includes. This study also analyzed the description of the treatment of patients with suspected COVID-19 in hospital isolation. Brayat Minulya for the period March - October 2020. The results of the study based on the characteristics of 55 suspected COVID-19 patients in the isolation ward of Brayat Minulya Hospital for the period March-October 2020 were more dominated by female patients, 56.36% aged> 65 years, 27.27% with a diagnosis of moderate symptoms, 78% with disease. comorbidities of dyspepsia 11.90%. Treatment features mostly used the 10.22% Levofloxacin antibiotic group, 6.98% vitamin C group, 1% Oseltamivir antiviral group, 2.74% multivitamin Neurobion, 0.50% zinc supplement, and the symptomatic drug Paracetamol 8.47. %, Omeprasole 6.48%, Ondancentron 4.98%, Ambroxol 4.98%, Methylprednisolone 1.50%, Trifed and Rhinos SR 0.25%, Combivent respule 0.50%, Enoxaparin 1%, Colcichin 0.25 %, Ketorolac 0.25%, comorbid drugs such as Novorapid 1.99%, Amlodipine 1.50%, Isosorbid dinitrate 0.75%, Renxamin 0.50%, Aminoral 0.50%, Haessteril 0.25%, and citicholin 0.25%.} }