@thesis{thesis, author={Adeliana Priskita Putri}, title ={UJI EFEK ANTIPIRETIK EKSTRAK ETANOL RIMPANG TEMULAWAK (Curcuma zanthorrhiza) PADA TIKUS PUTIH JANTAN YANG DIINDUKSI RAGI}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/616/}, abstract={Temulawak rhizome (Curcuma zanthorriza) is a traditional herbal medicine that is easily available. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the ethanol extract of temulawak rhizome could provide an antipyretic effect against yeast-induced male white rats.This study used 25 male white rats which were divided into 5 treatment groups, namely, negative control (CMC Na), positive control (Paracetamol), and the ethanol extract treatment group of temulawak rhizome (100ml, 200ml and 400ml doses). Rats were induced fever by using Brewer's yeast at a dose of 1 ml. Body temperature was measured with a digital thermometer rectally, the temperature was measured every 30 minutes for 150 minutes after oral administration, then the fever data were obtained and body temperature measurements each time. The data was then used to calculate AUC and the average AUC data were analyzed using one way ANOVA test. The results showed that the chemical content in the ethanol extract of temulawak rhizome that has an antipyretic effect is flavonoids, essential oils, alkaloids. The results of measuring the decrease in body temperature showed that the ethanol extract of temulawak rhizome had the most effective antipyretic effect, namely a dose of 400 ml compared to negative control CMC Na.} }