@thesis{thesis, author={Gevi Nindi Narita}, title ={UJI ANGKA KAPANG KHAMIR PADA JAMU GENDONG BERAS KENCUR DI DESA NGUTER KABUPATEN SUKOHARJO}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/648/}, abstract={Herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice is one of the traditional medicines in Indonesia. Herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice is often sold in Nguter Village, Sukoharjo Regency, which has long been known as the center for the herbal medicine industry. Herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice can be contaminated by yeast mold. Contamination of yeast mold can reduce the quality of the herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice. This study aims to determine the rate of yeast mold in the herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice in Nguter Village, Sukoharjo Regency. The type of this research is descriptive. This research used accidental sampling method which are 9 samples herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice was taken. The number of yeast mold are checked by pour plate method. The number of yeast mold count on the fifth day incubation. The obtained are analyzed in comparison with the standart descriptive with BPOM RI number 12 years 2014. Yeast mold number results in samples of herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice are 6x101 , 1,5x101 , 3,2x103 , <1x101 , 1,5x101 , <1x101 , 1,5x101, 2x103 , and 1,1x103 . Based on the results of research from 9 samples of herbal medicine carrying Kaempferia galanga rice in Nguter Village, Sukoharjo Regency, the results showed that the yeast mold number was 6 samples that matched the limit and 3 samples that exceeded the limit, namely the limit set by BPOM RI number 12 years 2014 that is, no more than 103 colonies/ml.} }