@thesis{thesis, author={Annisa Paramudita}, title ={UJI EFEKTIVITAS ANTIBAKTERI BERBAGAI MEREK HAND SANITIZER GEL TERHADAP Staphylococcus aureus}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/661/}, abstract={Hand washing is one of the health protocols required during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hand washing activities have looked more practical by using a liquid or antiseptic gel that can be used anywhere and anytime without having to rinse with water. This antiseptic liquid or gel is called a hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer also contains antibacterial ingredients such as triclosan or other antimicrobial agents that can inhibit the growth of bacteria on the hands such as Staphylococcus aureus. The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of antibacterial taste of some brands of hand sanitizer gel against Staphylococcus aureus. This research uses descriptive design. The research was conducted at the National STIKES Bacteriology Laboratory and the research time was conducted in January-May 2021. The sample of this study is various brands of hand sanitizer gel with brands A, B, C, D, and E. Negative control used is blank disk. Test the effectiveness of bacterial tasteless power using diffusion discs. The sampling technique used is total sampling. The results showed various brands of hand sanitizer gel from 5 brands obtained hasi brand A, B, C, D and E formed a bland zone (radical zone) with an average of 7.75 mm, 8.00 mm, 9.25 mm, 14.62 mm, 21.70 mm. While the diameter of the blank disk. Negative controls are not capable of forming a bland zone with an average of 6.00 mm. Some brands of Hand sanitizer gel can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus i.e. all hand sanitizer gels with brands A, B, C, D and E. Some brands of Hand sanitizer gel namely brands A, B, C, D and E have an average of a bland zone formed by 11.22 mm.} }