@thesis{thesis, author={Irma Dwi Septiana}, title ={GAMBARAN KADAR KARBOKSIHEMOGLOBIN (COHb) PADA PETUGAS PARKIR BERDASARKAN MASA KERJA DI SEKITAR PASAR KARTASURA}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/664/}, abstract={Carbon monoxide is the largest contributor to air pollution. The source of carbon monoxide contamination comes from the smoke exhaust of motor vehicles. This research was to find out the description of carboxyhemoglobin levels in parking attendants based on working period around Kartasura Market. This research method uses descriptive research. The sampling technique used is quota sampling. The research subjects were 10 parking attendants around Kartasura Market. Examination of carboxyhemoglobin levels using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results showed that in the blood of all respondents there was an increase in carboxyhemoglobin levels. The sample with code A1 has a level of 6,15%; sample A2 = 7,40%; sample A3 = 7,52%; sample A4 = 6,65%; sample A5 = 6,15%; sample A6 = 7,40%; sample A7 = 6,78%; sample A8 = 6,78%; sample A9 = 6,42%; sample A10 = 7,21%. The level of carboxyhemoglobin in parking officers around Kartasura Market exceeded the normal limit of >3,5% by the Regulation of the Minister Health Republic Indonesia Number 70 of 2016.} }