@thesis{thesis, author={Anjar Rodiyah}, title ={IDENTIFIKASI NAPZA JENIS AMFETAMIN PADA PENGEMUDI ANGKUTAN UMUM DI KABUPATEN KARANGANYAR}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/680/}, abstract={The prevalence of drug abuse is quite high in Indonesia in the land transportation sector, including public transportation. Amphetamines are one of the drugs that are often abused. Some drivers of drug abuse can affect alertness in driving and increase the risk of accidents. This study aims to identify Amphetamines in public transport drivers in Karanganyar Regency. Samples were taken as many as 15 samples with the Quota Sampling technique. This study used the strip test method. The test strip is dipped into the respondent's urine sample for 10 seconds, and the results are read over a period of 5 to 10 minutes. The results of the research that has been carried out have obtained the results of 15 urine samples that were examined which were found to be negative for amphetamine compounds. The conclusion is based on the research that has been done, namely the identification of Amphetamine Type Drugs on Public Transport Drivers in the Karanganyar Regency with 15 respondents stated that they do not contain Amphetamine compounds.} }