@thesis{thesis, author={Amara Wina Margareta}, title ={GAMBARAN KADAR KARBOKSIHEMOGLOBIN BERDASARKAN KEBIASAAN MEROKOK PADA PEKERJA BENGKEL MOTOR DI PASAR SIDOHARJO WONOGIRI}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/685/}, abstract={Workshop workers are a group of people who are at risk of exposure to carbon monoxide (CO). This risk increases with the habit of workshop workers, the majority of whom are active smokers. Hemoglobin in the blood will more easily bind to CO to form carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) than with oxygen. The purpose of this study was to determine COHb levels in the blood of motorcycle repair workers at Sidoharjo Wonogiri Market. Thisresearch is a descriptive research with quota sampling technique. Blood samples were taken from 10 respondents with criteria for active smokers. Active smokers include light, moderate, and heavy smokers. Examination of COHb levels using the Hinsberg Lang method using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. From the examination, it was found that the lowest COHb level of the respondents was 2.89% with one sample being a passive smoker. Meanwhile, nine samples of active smokers had COHb levels in the range of 4.14%-9.48%, where the levels were above the normal limit (>3.5%). The conclusion of this study is that passive smokers have COHb levels within normal limits, while all samples of active smokers have COHb levels above normal.} }