@thesis{thesis, author={Rut Eunike Elopore}, title ={STUDI LITERATUR PENGARUH DURASI LATIHAN 3-POINT 5-POST DRILL TERHADAP AKURASI SHOOTING ATLET BASKET USIA 15-18 TAHUN}, year={2021}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/776/}, abstract={Abstract: Basketball is a popular sport in Indonesia. The basic basketball techniques that must be mastered are passing (passing the ball), catching (receiving the ball), shooting, footwork (foot training), and pivot training techniques. Shooting technique is an important point in the success of a team to win the match. In shooting or shooting, to produce the highest point or 3-point shoot, good accuracy is needed. According to the KBBI, accuracy is accuracy, precision, and accuracy. Therefore, this drill shoot exercise is considered very important in order to improve accuracy and mastery of good and correct shooting techniques. Research purposes: The aim of the study was to determine whether or not the duration of drill shoot training had an effect on increasing the accuracy of basketball athletes. Research methods: The literature search was accessed through PudMeb, Elsheiver and Google Schoolar regarding the effect of 3-point 5 post drill training duration on the shooting accuracy of basketball athletes aged 15-18 years, using a quasiexperimental research method and one group pretest posttest with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The journals obtained are the last 10 years, and there are 4 journals that have been discussed. Research result: The results of the literature study from these four journals are that there is a significant influence. Age and duration did not affect the increase in accuracy and 3-point shooting ability of basketball athletes. Conclusion: There is an effect of giving 3-point 5 drill post training to increase shooting accuracy and 3-point shooting ability of basketball athletes.} }