@thesis{thesis, author={Anisa Hidayati}, title ={UJI AKTIVITAS ANTIKOLESTEROL FRAKSI ETIL ASETAT BUAH JERUK PURUT (Cytrus hystrix D.C.) SECARA IN-VITRO}, year={2017}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/87/}, abstract={Fast food contains lots of cholesterol. Cholesterol in normal amount is required as a precursor of the cell walls and the formation of hormones. However, high cholesterol levels in the body can lead to hypercholesterol and if it lasts a for long time, it can cause hypertension and blockage in the blood vessels of the brain, heart, and legs. Kaffir lime fruit contains flavonoids, phenolic, and vitamin C which is supposed to decrease cholesterol levels. This research was conducted in order to determine anti-cholesterol activity of ethyl acetate fraction of kaffir lime fruit in vitro and EC50 its great value invitro. Extraction method used in this research is the method of refluks with methanol as the concentrated and then partitioned with water and ethyl acetate (1:1). Anti-cholesterol activity test was conducted by Lieberman-Burchard. Ethyl acetate fraction kaffir lime fruit was made with concentration series 1080 ppm, 1200 ppm, 1320 ppm, 1440 ppm, and 1560 ppm. The result showed a percentage decrease in cholesterol levels after administration of ethyl acetate fraction respectively for 28,6857% (0,3169%), 34,7815% (0,2113%), 45,1857% (0,4799%), 49,6273% (0,0634%) dan 56,2383% (0,2426%). EC50 activity of anticholesterol ethyl acetate fraction of kaffir lime fruit is 1441,7361 ppm.} }