@thesis{thesis, author={Galuh Elsa Fitri}, title ={ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN KADAR NIKOTIN PADA ROKOK NON CUKAI JENIS KRETEK DAN FILTER DENGAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI ULTRAVIOLETVISIBEL}, year={2022}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/899/}, abstract={Nicotine is a carcinogenic compound in cigarettes that causes addiction and can affect the formation of cancer. This study aims to determine the level of nicotine in non-excise kretek cigarettes and non-excise filter cigarettes, as well as to determine differences in nicotine levels in non-excise kretek cigarettes and non-excise filters. Samples were taken by purposive sampling then dried and mashed, then immersed in methanol. Qualitative analysis of the nicotine content in the sample was carried out using H2SO4 P and HCL P reagents, positive results were obtained containing nicotine. Quantitative analysis was determined by UVVis spectrophotometric method with a wavelength (λ) of 260 nm. The average nicotine content in the sample of kretek brand A cigarettes was 1.2220 mg/stem±0.0053, KV 0.4341%; B of 1.3193 mg/stem±0.0067, %KV 0.5127; C of 1.1858 mg/stem ±0.0081, %KV 0.7136 and brand X filter cigarette samples of 0.8163 mg/stem,±0.0048, %KV 0.5963%; Y of 0.7283 mg/stem, ±0.0071, %KV 1.2831%; Z of 1.0894 mg/stem, ±0.0064, %KV 0.5088%. Both samples met the requirements of Government Regulation No. 81 of 1999 concerning the safety of cigarettes for health, namely 1.5 mg/stem. Statistical test showed that the average nicotine content in kretek cigarettes and filter cigarettes had a significant difference (p=0.000 <0.05).} }