@thesis{thesis, author={Annisa Shafaa Rahmadhani}, title ={ANALISIS KADAR NIKOTIN PADA ROKOK TINGWE (linting dewe) MENGGUNAKAN METODE SPEKTROFOTOMETRI ULTRAVIOLET-VISIBEL}, year={2022}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/908/}, abstract={The content of nicotine levels in tingwe cigarettes using the uv spectrophotometry method, Research Purpose To find out how much nicotine content in tingwe cigarettes by using uv spectrophotometric methods. The benefits of this study provide information to the public about nicotine levels in tingwe cigarettes so that they can be used as a reference for future research. This research uses a type of Deskreptive research, deskreptive research is a research method that describes objects or subjects that are objectively researched, and aims to describe facts systematically and characteristics of objects and frequencies that are precisely researched. Samples obtained from gayam village of Sukoharjo subdistrict, random probability sampling is random sampling. Based on the results of research that has been done, the content of nicotine levels in the treatment of brand A linting form obtained a result of 1.5496 mg / bar with a coefficient of variation value of 0.0382%, and in the sample brand B obtained a result of 2.1169 mg / bar with a coefficient of variation value of 0.0096%, and in brand C obtained a result of 1.9987mg / bar with a coefficient of variation value of 0.0139%.} }