@thesis{thesis, author={Yuni Arti Eka Prastiwi}, title ={GAMBARAN TINGKAT PENGETAHUAN TENAGA TEKNIS KEFARMASIAN RUMAH SAKIT DI KABUPATEN WONOGIRI TENTANG TEKNIK ASEPTIK PENCAMPURAN SEDIAAN INJEKSI}, year={2022}, url={http://librepo.stikesnas.ac.id/933/}, abstract={Aseptic technique is defined as a work procedure that minimizes microbial contaminants and can reduce the risk of exposure to workers. Data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2003 the incidence of phlebitis in Indonesia was 50.11% government hospitals while private hospitals were 32.70%. injection preparations. This research method is descriptive with a sampling method all data is taken. This research was conducted in January 2022. The population of this research is pharmaceutical technical personnel in Wonogiri district who work in hospitals. The research sample was 70 respondents of pharmaceutical engineering personnel in Wonogiri district who worked in hospitals. The research instrument uses a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability tests. Characteristics based on place of work in public hospitals amounted to 50.0% and private hospitals amounted to 50.0%. Characteristics based on education at most D III Pharmacy graduates were 59.2%. Characteristics based on the maximum working period of 6 years amounted to 24.3%. The results of the study on the description of the level of knowledge of pharmaceutical technical personnel in hospitals in Wonogiri Regency about aseptic techniques of mixing injection preparations were good knowledge of 88.6%, sufficient knowledge of 11.4% and poor knowledge of 0.0%} }