@thesis{thesis, author={Krissou Adi Ajeng}, title ={The Impact of Infrastructure on Economic Growth in West Java Province, Indonesia}, year={2018}, url={}, abstract={Infrastructure development has been continuously encouraged by the Indonesian government since our country became independent in 1945. Moreover, infrastructure development is also a main component of economic growth. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the effect of infrastructure on the economic growth in West Java Province, Indonesia. The infrastructure variables used are roads, electricity, water, education and health. The analysis was conducted using data from 26 regencies/municipalities in West Java Province from 2010–2016. Using fixed effect method for the estimation model, the results show that infrastructure has a positive and statistically significant impact on the economic growth, except for education infrastructure which is negatively correlated and not significant. However, the result varies when splitting the regencies and municipalities in West Java Province into South and non-South regions. In the South region, electricity, water and health infrastructure have positive and significant influence on economic growth. Reversely, road is not significant although it has a positive coefficient, while education infrastructure are not significant and has a negative coefficient In the non-South region, road, electricity, health and water infrastructure have positive and significant impact on economic growth. Meanwhile, education infrastructure has negative and significant impact on economic growth. Keywords: infrastructure, economic growth, fixed effect, West Java Province} }