@thesis{thesis, author={DEDE MAISAROH}, title ={TINJAUAN DESAIN FORMULIR REKAM MEDIS RAWAT INAP PELAYANAN BEDAH DI RUMAH SAKIT KHUSUS BEDAH RAWAMANGUN}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.akademiperekammedis.ac.id/181/}, abstract={DEDE MAISAROH, Design Review of Surgical Services Inpatient Medical Record Form at Rawamangun Surgical Special Hospital, Scientific Paper, Jakarta: D-III Program of Bhumi Husada Medical Recorder Academy and Health Information Jakarta 2022. The study was conducted to identify standard operating procedures (SOP) that regulate the design of medical record forms, analyze components in terms of physical, anatomical and content aspects, identify design constraints and use of surgical inpatient forms. The research method used descriptive quantitative analysis method with the percentage results obtained an overview of the surgical inpatient form design review at the Rawamangun Special Hospital for Surgery, East Jakarta. Methods of data collection is done by direct observation using checklists and interviews with respondents. The results of the study indicate that they have a policy regarding form design, namely SPO (standard operating procedures) for renewal of forms. Guidelines for filling out medical record files and form design policies in medical record service guidelines, compliance with anatomical, physical and content aspects of surgical inpatient forms yet none of the forms are complete 100% fulfilled, from the physical aspect the average is 79.20%, anatomical aspects 47.42% and content aspect 95.7%. For design constraints, the lack of knowledge about form design rules according to hospital policies, for constraints on use, there are not too many obstacles, only the instructions on the form are not clear. In conclusion, the hospital already has a policy regarding the design of medical record forms, both SPO and guidelines that regulate aspects of form design. Bibliography : 14(2012 ? 2021) Keywords : Review, Design, Form, SOP.} }