@thesis{thesis, author={MUHAMMAD ABDUL FATAH}, title ={TINJAUAN KELENGKAPAN PENGISIAN FORMULIR PERSETUJUAN TINDAKAN KEDOKTERAN SECTIO CAESAREA DI PRIMAYA EVASARI HOSPITAL}, year={2008}, url={http://repo.akademiperekammedis.ac.id/183/}, abstract={Muhamad Abdul Fatah, ?Review of Completeness of Filling in the Approval Form for Sectio Caesarea Medical Action at Primaya Evasari Hospital.? The results of initial observations at Primaya Evasari Hospital in September 2021 there were 48 approval forms for sectio caesarea medical actions where the planned ones were 10 incomplete forms (20.83%) and 25 complete forms (52.08%) while in emergency there were 7 incomplete forms. complete (14.58%) and 6 complete (12.5%). The purpose of this study is to describe the completeness of filling out the Sectio Caesarea Medical Action Approval form at Primaya Evasari Hospital for the 2022 period. The specific objectives are (1) to identify standard operating procedures (SOP) for completing the sectio caesarea medical action approval form. (2) identify the completeness of filling in the approval form for planned and emergency sectio caesarea medical actions. (3) identify the factors causing the incomplete filling of the consent form for medical action. The research method used is a descriptive method with the population being a sectio caesarea medical action approval form from October to December 2021 as many as 103 forms. Based on the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that Primaya Evasari Hospital already has standard operating procedures (SOP). Results of quantitative analysis with a population of 103 complete medical treatment consent forms or 64% (64%) and 37 incomplete medical treatment consent forms or (36%). There needs to be a re-socialization of the existing SOP policies related to filling out the medical action approval form to the Caregiver Professionals. Bibliography : 13 (2006-2021) Keywords: Form, Action Approval, Medicine, Sectio Caesarea} }