@thesis{thesis, author={IRDAWATI INDAH}, title ={TINJAUAN PENOMORAN GANDA REKAM MEDIS PASIEN BARU RAWAT JALAN DI RUMAH SAKIT SETIA MITRA JAKARTA SELATAN}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.akademiperekammedis.ac.id/195/}, abstract={IRDAWATI INDAH, Review of Double Numbering of Outpatient Medical Records At Setia Mitra Hospital, South Jakarta . Scientific Writing, Jakarta: D-III Program of the Academy of Medical Records and Health Information Bhumi Husada Jakarta 2022 The numbering system in the medical record service is a procedure for writing the number given by the patient to come for treatment as the patient's personal identity. There are three types of patient numbering based on the medical record number, namely serial numbering, unit numbering, and unit serial numbering. The medical record numbering system at Setia Mitra Hospital uses a Unit Numbering System where the numbering system for patients who visit for the first time gets one medical record number that is used forever on the next visit. However, it is still found that patients have double numbering of medical records as much as 40 (18.6%) This can result in delays in services due to the long search for medical records, even the contents of medical records are not continuous because of separate information and not integrated patient records so that they do not pay attention to patients who have allergies because it is related to patient safety. The author uses quantitative description research methods, namely the research method is carried out with the aim of making a picture of a situation objectively through observation, samples for data collection. Based on the results of the study from 215 samples, it was found that 40 (18.6%) double numbered medical records of new outpatients and 175 (81.4%) patients who had one number in February 2022. In this study, it is recommended that registration officers be more careful in conducting patient registration so that there is no double numbering of medical records. References 14 (1994-2022) Keywords: Double numbering of medical records.} }