@thesis{thesis, author={Khairul Harha and Yustika Apritasari}, title ={AN ANALYSIS OF THE ABILITY OF THE SECOND GRADE STUDENTS OF EXACT SCIENCE TO WRITE EXPLANATION TEXT MAN 3 PADANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.bunghatta.ac.id/9704/}, abstract={The purpose of this research is to describe the ability of the second grade students of Exact Science At MAN 3 Padang in writing an Explanation text . The design of this research is descriptive method. The population of this research is the second grade students of Exact Science. The researcher used cluster random sampling technique and the sample was 29 students. The data were collected by using writing test. To make the test reliable, the researcher used the interrater method. The result of the analysis showed that the test is reliable. It was supported by the fact that the coefficient correlation was 0.95 which was categorized as a very high correlation. In general, This study found that 14 students from 29 students of second grade students of exact science at MAN 3 Padang very high ability in writing explanation text. It suported by the fact that 0% of students got Very High ability, 21% of students got high ability, 48% of students got low ability, and 31% of students got Very Low ability . In writing general statement This study found that 17 students from 29 students of second grade students of exact science at MAN 3 Padang had Very high ability in writing general statement in explanation text., 58% of students got Very Hight ability, 0% of students got High ability, 17% of students got Low ability, and 25% of students got Very low ability . In writing explanation This study found that 28 of 29 students of second grade students of exact science at MAN 3 Padang had Very low ability in writing explanation in explanation text., 60% of students got Very High ability, 0% of students got High ability y, 3% of students got Low ability, and 97% of students got Very Low ability. In writing closing This study found that 11 of 29 students of second grade students of exact science at MAN 3 Padang had Very high ability in writing closing in explanation text, 38% of students got Very High ability, 31% of students got High ability, 0% of students got Low ability, and 31% of students got Very Low ability. In using appropriate vocabulary this study found that 19 from 29 students of second grade students of exact science at MAN 3 Padang had Very high ability in use appropriate vocabulary in explanation text, 67% of students got Very High ability, 0% of students got High ability, 22% of students got Low ability, and 11% of students got Very Low ability . In using correct grammar this study found that 18 students from 29 students of second grade students of exact science at MAN 3 Padang had Very low ability in use correct grammar in explanation text, 25% of students got Very High ability, 0% of students got High ability, 13% of students got low ability, and 62% of students got Very Low ability . In using appropriate mechanics this study found that 13 students from 29 students of second grade students of exact science at MAN 3 Padang had low ability in writing general statement in explanation text, 32% of students got Very High ability, 0% of students got High ability, 44% students got Low ability, and 25% of students got Very Low ability . Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that the second grade students of Exact Science is very high ability in writing an explanation text. The researcher wants to give some suggestions to teachers and students. The students in writing an explanation Text, the teacher should give them more exercise to improve their ability in writing, specially in writing an explanation text. For the students, the researcher hopes from many exercises that the teacher gave to the students, it would help them in improving their ideas in writing, especially for writing explanation text. Much more the researcher hopes that this research can be useful for those who need it to improve their exposition paragraph writing skills.} }