@thesis{thesis, author={Amri Amri and Furqan Hidayatullah Marwan}, title ={PENGGUNAAN PROBIOTIK DALAM PAKAN TERHADAP LAJU PERTUMBUHAN DAN EFISIENSI PAKAN UDANG VANNAMEI(Litopenaeus vannamei) DI UPTD BPBALP TELUK BUO}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.bunghatta.ac.id/9752/}, abstract={Research on the use of probiotics in feed on the growth rate and feed efficiency of white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in uptd bpbalp buo was conducted from early April to late May 2022. The method used in this study was the method (CRD) with 3 treatments and 3 replications with a dose of probiotics. on 10 ml, 15 ml, and 20 ml feed. Research data is processed in Microsoft excel. Tested using SPSS software. The results of research conducted for 60 days can be concluded that the best treatment is treatment A with a dose of 10ml/kg of feed. Giving probiotics at a dose of 10ml/kg of feed on vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus Vannamei) obtained SR values (90.83±1.89%), FCR values (1.63±0.04%), FCE values (61.18±1, 33%), mean absolute body weight (23.05±0.44g), and absolute length growth (6.25±0.06cm). Key Words : Probiotics, Vannamei Shrimp} }