@thesis{thesis, author={Royadi Savutra and Yusrita Yanti}, title ={THE ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN THE LYRICS RICHARD MARX SONGS}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.bunghatta.ac.id/9755/}, abstract={This study discusses the analysis of figurative language in Richard Marx's song lyrics. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method in analyzing the data in this study. This study uses Perrine's (1974) theory. The purpose of this study is to identify the types of figurative language contained in Richard Marx's song lyrics and to find out the meaning of the figurative language used in Richard Marx. The researcher found that there were 50 figurative languages from 8 songs analyzed in Richard Marx's song, namely 10 similes, 19 metaphors, 6 personifications, 2 metonyms, 1 symbolism, 1 paradox, 10 hyperboles, and 1 irony. The writer also finds that there are many connotative meanings used in every song lyric which contains figurative language from Richard Marx. The purpose of using figurative language in songs is to give emphasis and a sense of beauty to the lyrics in a song so that listeners will enjoy the song and understand the meaning and message contained in the lyrics of the song.} }