@thesis{thesis, author={WINANTUNINGTYAS YENI WIJI PUTRI}, title ={ANALISIS KEPATUHAN PERAWAT DALAM PEMBUANGAN SAMPAH INFEKSIUS KHUSUSNYA BENDA TAJAM DI RS PANTI RAHAYU PURWODADI JAWA TENGAH 2021}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.stikesbethesda.ac.id/2461/}, abstract={YENI WIJI PUTRI WINANTUNINGTYAS "Nurse Compliance Analysis in Disposal of Infectious Waste, Especially Sharp Objects at Panti Rahayu Hospital, Purwodadi, Central Java in 2021". Background : The hospital is a health service facility that is carried out for 24 hours so that it has the potential to produce waste or garbage, especially sharp objects. Incidents of exposure to sharp objects can occur anywhere if compliance with sharps waste disposal is not carried out properly. Nurse compliance has a role in the disposal of sharp objects Objective: To determine the analysis of nurses' compliance in disposing of infectious sharp waste at Panti Rahayu Hospital in 2021. Research Methods : This study used a quantitative descriptive research design. The study population was 150 nurses. The research sample was 38 nurses in 11 rooms at Panti Rahayu Yakkum Purwodadi Hospital. Data collection techniques using Proportional Random Sampling. The research instrument is data with a checklist observation. Data analysis is done with univariate analysis. Results : The results showed compliance of 73,7% respondents in disposing of infectious waste, especially sharp objects. Conclusion : Nurses at Panti Rahayu Hospital comply in disposing of infectious waste, especially sharp objects. Suggestion : Become an input for the Hospital to conduct observation and socialization with IPCN to achieve a 100% compliance rate. Keywords : Infectious sharp waste - Nurses - Compliance XIV + 42 pages + 7 tables + 2 schemas + 16 attachments to the Library : 34, 2009 ? 2021} }