@thesis{thesis, author={Bio Putri Ayanti (020114046) BPA and Sari Wahyunita (010710011) SW and Veronika Fransiska Pratiwi VFP}, title ={GAMBARAN KADAR KOLESTEROL PADA PEKERJA OPERATOR TAMBANG BATU BARA DI DESA PANTAI CABE KECAMATAN SALAM BABARIS MARET 2018}, year={2018}, url={http://repo.stikesborneolestari.ac.id/323/}, abstract={ABSTRACK GAMBARAN KADAR KOLESTEROL PADA PEKERJA OPERATOR TAMBANG BATU BARA DI DESA PANTAI CABE KECAMATAN SALAM BABARIS MARET 2018 Veronika Fransiska Pratiwi Sari Wahyunita, Bio Putri Ayanti Cholesterol is a lipid derivate belong to srerol. Cholesterol that flowsin the blood in the form of lipoproteins. Blood cholesterol levels tend to increase in people who lack exercise, often consume fatty foods, coffee and smoker habits Coal miner operators of many workers who lack their physical activity often eat high-fat food and consume lots of cigarettes. The purpose of this study was to determine the cholesterol of coal mining operators in the Village of Cabe Village, Salam Babaris Sub-district. The type of research is a descriptive survey, is a survey or research that provides an overview of the examination of total cholesterol levels in coal miner operators at PT. BMR Desa Pantai Cabe Kecamatan Salam Babaris. This study used Cholesterol Oxidase Method Aminobpirine population of 32 coal miners operators, samples amounted to 30 people The examination was done directly using the DIRUI-DR 7000D Photometer tool The data processing of the result obtained by operator workers who cholesterol levels are not normal as many as 17 people (57%) and the normal result is 13 people (43%). Based on this research, it is suggested for loperator workers to frequently perform physical activity (sport) and reduce the consumption of fatty foods. Keywords: Cholesterol, workers Coal Mining Operators} }