@thesis{thesis, author={Ahmad Muhlisin AM and Muhammad Arsyad (010912030) MA and Syahidaturrahmah SYA}, title ={QUALITY DIFFERENCE OF BLOOD SMEAR STAINING WITH WRIGHT'S METHOD USED PDAM WATER , AQUADEST AND BUFFER PH 6,8.}, year={2017}, url={http://repo.stikesborneolestari.ac.id/357/}, abstract={QUALITY DIFFERENCE OF BLOOD SMEAR STAINING WITH WRIGHT'S METHOD USED PDAM WATER , AQUADEST AND BUFFER PH 6,8. Syahidatur Rahmah(1), Ahmad Muhlisin(2), Muhammad Arsyad(1) Health Analyst Academy of Borneo Lestari Banjarbaru Kelapa Sawit Street 8 Bumi Berkat Number 1 Phone. (0511) 5911626 Banjarbaru, South Borneo 70714 Email: syahidahrahmah@gmail.com ABSTRACT Blood smear is a thin smeared blood that is useful for looking at the morphology of blood cells. there are various staining method for stain blood smear ,one of which is wright staining. in wright staining , before blood smear flooded with wright stain substance blood smear is flooded with buffer solution first, recommended buffer acidity is 6,4 - 6,8. To determine quality difference of blood smear staining with wright's method used pdam water , aquadest and buffer ph 6,8. The research is an analytic survey, the sample used is venous blood on one person as sample with 3 different treatments and 9 repetitions. On the results of the above studies showed blood smear using aquadest obtained with good quality blood smear as much as 100%, on blood smear using buffer pH 6,8 obtained with good quality blood smear as much as 63% and on blood smear using PDAM water obtained with good quality blood smear as much as 54%. From the results of statistical tests using non-parametric test kruskal willis test method with statistical program for social sciences (SPSS) application. Acquired asymp value. Sig of 0.002, Because the significant value obtained from the test shows the value of 0.002 or <0.05 then H∘ rejected so that it can be concluded that there are differences from 3 groups of examination. This study was conducted without knowing exactly how the pH of aquades and PDAM water so that it can be done again by measuring the pH of water in use before. Keyword : blood smear, wright staining, aquadest, PDAM water, buffer Ph 6,8} }