@thesis{thesis, author={Ahadianoor AH and Atni Primanadini (030811019) AP and Muhamad Muslim MM}, title ={KADAR COD DAN BOD PADA AIR SUNGAI PABRIK TAHU DIDESA MUFAKAT MARTAPURA JUNI 2012}, year={2012}, url={http://repo.stikesborneolestari.ac.id/576/}, abstract={KADAR COD DAN BOD PADA AIR SUNGAI PABRIK TAHU DIDESA MUFAKAT MARTAPURA JUNI 2012 COD and BOD CONTENT ON RIVER WATER PLANT OUT IN THE VILLAGE consensus Martapura On juni 2012 Ahadianoor(1), Muhammad Muslim(2), Atni Primanadini(1) 1) Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari 2) Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Banjarmasin Akademi Analis Kesehatan Borneo Lestari Jl. Kelapa Sawit 8 Bumi Berkat No. 1 RT. 02/01 Telp. (0511) 7672224 Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan 70714 Email : adecasper95@yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT The factory stands on the river village knew consensus Martapura, waste is waste material resulting from an activity and the production process, both at household, industrial, mining, and so forth. So that these wastes contain COD and BOD unanimously Martapura polluting the river villages. Purpose polluting the river villages of this study to investigate the characteristics of water which include odor, color, and clarity and content of COD and BOD. Samples that begins at the point upstream, mid-point, point downstream of the plant knows it. This was a descriptive survey. Results of the COD value in the know village water plant consensus Martapura with COD levels upstream dititik 200M = 71.20 mg / l, the upper 100M = 63.57 mg / l, Waste = 14393.19 mg / l, downstream 100M = 7639.04 mg / l, downstream 200M = 15639.18. Test results with the levels of BOD in river water mill village knew consensus Martapura with BOD levels upstream dititik 200M = 3.4 mg / l, the upper 100M = 2.8 mg / l, the waste = 47.6 mg / l, downstream 100M = 65 , 9 mg / l, downstream 200M = 73.1 mg / l. High levels of COD and BOD in excess of normal so that the river water polluted by village consensus Martapura know the sewage plant. Therefore we can conclude that the consensus of the river water levels exceed the COD and BOD are normal. Suggestions for the public not to consume or use river water for the village consensus MCK Martapura daily. Because water is not feasible to use mauupun consumed. Keywords: Levels of COD and BOD, Waste out ABSTRAK Pabrik tahu berdiri diatas sungai desa mufakat martapura, limbah adalah bahan sisa yang dihasilkan dari suatu kegiatan dan proses produksi, baik pada skala rumah tangga, industri, pertambangan, dan sebagainya. Sehingga limbah-limbah tersebut mengandung COD dan BOD mencemari sungai didesa mufakat martapura.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakteristik air yang meliputi dari bau, warna, dan kejernihan dan kandungan COD dan BOD. Sampel yang diawali pada titik hulu, titik tengah, titik hilir dari pabrik tahu tersebut. Penelitian ini bersifat survey deskriptif. Hasil pemeriksaan nilai COD pada air sungai pabrik tahu didesa mufakat martapura dengan kadar COD dititik hulu 200M = 71,20 mg/l, hulu 100M = 63,57 mg/l, Limbah = 14393,19mg/l, hilir 100M = 7639,04mg/l, hilir 200M = 15639,18. Hasil pemeriksaan dengan kadar BOD pada air sungai pabrik tahu didesa mufakat martapura dengan kadar BOD dititik hulu 200M = 3,4 mg/l, hulu 100M = 2,8 mg/l, limbah= 47,6 mg/l, hilir 100M = 65,9 mg/l, hilir 200M = 73,1mg/l. Tingginya kadar COD dan BOD yang melebihi normal sehingga air sungai didesa mufakat martapura tercemar oleh pabrik limbah tahu tersebut. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa air sungai mufakat memiliki kadar COD dan BOD yang melebihi normal. Saran untuk masyarakat agar tidak mengkonsumsi maupun memakai air sungai didesa mufakat martapura untuk MCK sehari-hari. Karena air tersebut tidak layak untuk digunakan mauupun dikonsumsi. Kata kunci : Kadar COD dan BOD, Limbah tahu} }