@thesis{thesis, author={ASTUTIK YOSI AULIA ANDRI}, title ={PENGARUH KOMBINASI AROMATERAPI DAN MUSIK TERHADAP NYERI PASIEN POST OPERASI CA MAMMAE DI RUMAH SAKIT LAVALETTE MALANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/439/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Breast cancer increased year by year, one of the best actions for breast cancer was surgery. Unfortunately, post-surgery have made feel pain their body. However, the use of non-pharmacological therapy for the pain has minimal side effects, one of the non-pharmacotherapies was aromatherapy and music. This research aims to determined the effectiveness of aromatherapy and music as a reduction in pain levels in post-breast cancer patients. This study used a Quasi-experiment, pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design. The results showed a more significant decrease in the level of pain scale in the aromatherapy and music combination group, which was 3.40 compared to the 1.3 aromatherapy group and 4.53 music group. P-value 0.000 (<0.05). The use of a combination of aromatherapy and music were more effective in reducing anxiety in breast cancer patients than aromatherapy or music. A combination of aromatherapy and music were apllied to reduced the pain level of post-breast cancer patients. Keywords: Pain, Aromatherapy, Music} }