@thesis{thesis, author={WAHYUNINGSIH SULASTRI}, title ={HUBUNGAN TINGKAT ADAPTASI PASIEN KANKER PAYUDARA STADIUM 4 DENGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN SAAT DILAKUKAN KEMOTERAPI DI RS LAVALETTE MALANG}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/477/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Chemotherapy is a cancer therapy that has both physical and psychological effects. Physical side effects can have a psychological impact on cancer patients. This study aims to determine the relationship between the adaptation level of stage 4 breast cancer patients and the level of anxiety during chemotherapy at Lavalette Hospital, Malang.This research uses analytical research method using cross sectional research design method, with the number of respondents 65, using purposive sampling technique. It was carried out in the chemotherapy room at Lavalette Hospital, Malang on January 20 ? February 8, 2022. The statistical data processing technique was carried out using the sperm test.From the results of the study, it was found that the adaptation of respondents in the chemotherapy room at Lavalette Hospital Malang had a good category adaptation of 56 respondents (86.2%). And the anxiety level of respondents in the chemotherapy room at Lavalette Hospital Malang had a mild anxiety level of 55 respondents (84.6%).From the test results, it can be concluded that there is a relationship between the adaptation level of stage 4 breast cancer patients and the level of anxiety during chemotherapy at Lavalette Hospital Malang with a p value of <0.05, namely p = 0.000 with the Spearman's rho test.Suggestions to the hospital to try to improve the quality of health services in breast cancer patients. Professions are able to provide good therapeutic communication to patients so that they can adapt and be able to overcome their anxiety during chemotherapy. Keywords: Adaptation Level, Breast Cancer, Anxiety Level, Chemotherapy} }