@thesis{thesis, author={WIRYAWAN YULI DWI}, title ={HUBUNGAN STRATEGI KOPING DENGAN KESIAPAN SELF DIRECTED LEARNING PADA MAHASIWA PROGRAM PROFESI NERS STIKES MAJAPAHIT MOJOKERTO}, year={2022}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/486/}, abstract={Abstract - Clinical learning is experience-based learning, and students are expected to be able to apply the theory obtained from academics in real cases in the clinic. Nursing clinical learning aims to strengthen the roles and functions of nursing students, such as mastering nursing concepts and theories in managing nursing care to clients so that they can produce professionals. This study aims to determine the relationship between coping strategies and the readiness for Self Directed Learning during the STIKES Majapahit Nurses Program Mojokerto. The design of this study used a cross-sectional approach. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a relationship between coping strategies and the readiness for Self Directed Learning during the Ners Program STIKES Majapahit Mojokerto. The independent variable is coping strategies, while the dependent variable is the readiness for Self Directed Learning. The population of this study was 70 students, with a sample of 60 respondents. Data analysis used Spearman correlation test. The results showed that most coping strategies were PFC, with as many as 39 respondents (65%). Nursing students' readiness in self-directed learning is mostly high as many as 25 respondents (41.7%). There is a relationship between coping strategies and the Self Directed Learning Nurse STIKES Program readiness. Student STIKES Majapahit must have high self-directed learning to face the nurse profession program to become a reliable, professional, and agile nurse graduate. Keywords: coping strategies, self directed leraning, nursing student} }