@thesis{thesis, author={RIZKI ARIA}, title ={FAKTOR YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN KESEMBUHAN PASIEN TBC DI UPT PUSKESMAS SEKARGADUNG KOTA PASURUAN}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/490/}, abstract={Abstract This study aims to identify and analyze the factors associated with the recovery of TB patients at UPT Puskesmas Sekargadung. This type of research is analytic observational. The sampling technique in this study used simple random sampling with a total of 45 patients as subjects. The approach used is cross sectional, namely research to find the relationship between the independent variable (risk factor) and the dependent variable (effect) by taking measurements at any time. There are three factors analyzed behind the recovery of TB patients including (1) history of diabetes mellitus, (2) obesity, and (3) medication adherence. The findings from this study indicate that there is a relationship between medication adherence and TB patient recovery. The risk factors for diabetes mellitus and obesity have no relationship with the recovery of TB patients. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Obesity, Compliance, Recovery} }