@thesis{thesis, author={SUKOCO EDI}, title ={HUBUNGAN PENERAPAN MANAJEMEN KESELAMATAN PASIEN DENGAN INSIDEN KESELAMATAN PASIEN DI INSTALASI PELAYANAN INTENSIF TERPADU RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERAH SIDOARJO TAHUN 2023}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/497/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Patient safety is a guarantee so that patients get treatment safely. Patient safety is program that must be provided by health workers because it greatly affects the quality of service in hospitals. The risk of this incident can occur to all health workers who provide medical services. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the implementation of patient safety management and patient safety incidents at IPIT RSUD Sidoarjo This study used a correlational research design with a cross sectional approach method with a proportional random sampling technique and a sample size of 51 officers at the IPIT, the study was conducted in February 2023 Based on the results of research on the implementation of patient safety management good category. The results showed that all respondents who answered well were (100%). The results showed that the majority of respondents who reported low incidents were (68.6%) while a small proportion of (31.4%) reported moderate incidents. Based the statistical Spearman, the value of sig = 0.047 is obtained so that it is less than r = 0.05 study can be concluded that H1 hypothesis there is a significant relationship between patient safety management and patient safety incidents. The strength of the negative relationship (-280) means that the better the implementation of patient safety Efforts to improve the quality of hospital services, including increasing the qualifications of human resources or increasing education to more Bachelor Degrees in Nursing and evaluating and supervising patient safety. Keywords: patient safety} }