@thesis{thesis, author={SAFITRI ENDANG HIDJI}, title ={PENGARUH LATIHAN EKSTREMITAS BAWAH PASIF TERHADAP BROMAGE SCORE POST OPERASI ANESTESI SPINAL DI RUANG PULIH SADAR RSUD SIDOARJO}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/498/}, abstract={Abstract One way to prevent complications that occur in the conscious recovery room is to provide passive lower extremity exercises to increase the bromage score. However, in reality this exercise is rarely performed by patients, thus affecting the delay in the patient's recovery process. The aim of the studied was to determine the effect of passive lower extremity exercises on the bromage score of postoperative spinal anesthesia patients in the conscious recovery room at Sidoarjo General Hospital. The design of this research was a quasy experiment with a posttest only control group design. The independent variable was passive lower extremity exercises. The dependent variable was the bromage score. The research population was all postoperative patients in the recovery room of Sidoarjo Hospital. Samples were taken using simple random sampling technique as many as 48 respondents. Data were collected with observation sheets and tested with independent t test. The results showed that the average bromage score in the experimental group was a score of 1 and in the control group was a score of 2. The average time needed to achieve a bromage score of 2 in the experimental group == 64.17 minutes while in the control group = 96, 46 minutes. The results of the independent t test show that the value of ? = 0.00 < ? = 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted so that there is an effect of passive lower extremity training on the value of the bromage score. Giving passive lower extremity exercises intensively will help respondents to achieve bromage scores more quickly. Passive lower extremity exercises are carried out after the respondents are aware of the effects of anesthesia, an action or skill is needed to help them accelerate the achievement of bromage scores.} }