@thesis{thesis, author={PURNAMAWATI ERNA}, title ={PENGARUH TERAPI RELAKSASI AUTOGENIC TERHADAP TINGKAT KECEMASAN KELUARGA PASIEN DI RUANG ICU RSUD SIDOARJO}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/500/}, abstract={Abstract Incentive care undertaken by patients and supported by various equipment, as well as the lack of information about the patient's condition can also cause anxiety in the family. Various complementary therapies have been developed as a treatment for anxiety such as autogenic relaxation therapy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of autogenic relaxation therapy on the anxiety level of the families of patients treated in the ICU room at Sidoarjo Hospital. The research design is a quasy experiment with a pretest post test control group design approach. The independent variable is giving autogenic relaxation. the dependent variable is the patient's family anxiety. The study population is the entire patient's family in the ICU room of Sidoarjo Hospital with an average number of patients per month of 70 patients. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique as many as 48 respondents. Data was collected using the HARS scale questionnaire instrument and tested using the paired t test. The results showed that there was a decrease in the average score in the experimental group by 16.875 greater than the control group = 12.875 so this indicated that autogenic relaxation therapy was more effective in reducing the anxiety level of the patient's family in the ICU. The results of the paired t test showed a significant value for both groups (?)