@thesis{thesis, author={HANDAYANI JUJUK}, title ={HUBUNGAN KEPATUHAN DIET DENGAN STATUS GIZI PASIEN PENYAKIT GINJAL KRONIK YANG MENJALANI HEMODIALISIS DI RSUD SIDOARJO Jujuk Handayani}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/503/}, abstract={Abstract The longer people undergo hemodialysis, the more opportunities for patients to adapt to the therapy program. On the other hand, the longer you undergo hemodialysis, the higher the potential for complications to arise which can actually hinder adherence to the therapy program, including the high rate of malnutrition due to patient non-compliance with the diet. The purpose of this studied was to determine the relationship between dietary adherence and nutritional status of chronic kidney failure patients undergoing hemodialysis at RSUD Sidoarjo. The research design was correlational analytic with a cross- sectional approach. The independent variable of the research was compliance and the dependent variable is nutritional status. The study population was all patients with chronic kidney diseases undergoing hemodialysis in the hemodialysis room at RSUD Sidoarjo with the number of patients under going henodialysis as many as 265 patients. Samples were taken used proportional random sampling technique as many as 160 respondents. data was collected with a questionnaire instrument and tested with the Spearman Rho test. The results of the studied showed that almost half of the respondents who were not adherent to the diet recommended by the officers had undernourished status of 36 respondents (42.9%) and most of the respondents who adhered to the nutrition recommended by the officers had a nutritional status in the overweight category of 41 respondents ( 53.9%) The results of the Spearman rho test showed a value of ? = 0.000 with ? = 0.05, this shows that the value of ? = 0.000