@thesis{thesis, author={RAMADHANI KUKUH YUDA}, title ={EFEKTIVITAS KONSELING MEROKOK TERHADAP MOTIVASI BERHENTI MEROKOK PERAWAT DI RSUD SIDOARJO}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/504/}, abstract={Abstract Various attempts have been made by various parties to foster a desire for smokers to quit. However, it turns out that the efforts that have been made are not sufficient to grow the desire and readiness of smokers to quit. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Effectiveness of Smoking Counseling on the Motivation to Stop Smoking Employees of Sidoarjo District Hospital. The design of this study is pre-experimental with a one group pre-post test design approach. the research variable is the motivation to stop smoking. The population of this study is all nurses who smoke in Sidoarjo Hospital with 67 employees. Samples were taken by simple random sampling technique. data was collected by means of a questionnaire and tested by paired t test. The results showed that the mean value of the posttest group = 61.67 was greater than that of the pretest group = 38.13 so that it can be said that smoking counseling can influence respondents' motivation to quit smoking. Paired T Test Result Showed that?s The value of ? < 0.05, so H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted, so there is an influence of smoking cessation counselors on the motivation of nurses to stop smoking at Sidoarjo Hospital. Counseling using self-management involving smokers to make independent decisions about their smoking habits whether to stop or not is able to increase respondents' motivation to quit smoking Keywords : Smoking, Motivation, Nurse} }