@thesis{thesis, author={SUHENDRA LIA AGUSTINA}, title ={PENGARUH KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF MENGGUNAKAN MEDIA KARTU 5 JARI TERHADAP KEPUASAN KELUARGA PASIEN DI RUANG IGD RSUD SIDOARJO}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/505/}, abstract={Abstract Nurse has responsibility to provide the best services with hearts, often the nurse uses language who make patient not comfortable and make communication ineffective. The purpose of this research to know the effect of effective communication using 5 finger card media for patient?s family satisfaction at RSUD Sidoarjo emergency room. The research design is Quasy Experiment with the Posttest only control group design approach. The independent variable of the research is effective communication using 5 finger card media. The dependent variable is patient family satisfaction. The population of this research all family who accompany the patient in December 2022 at RSUD Sidoarjo emergency room using average of 160 patients per day. The sample was taken using a quota sampling technique of 94 respondents who devide into two groups there are experimental group and control group. The data was collected with a questionnaire instrument and independent t test. The research result showed that 36 respondents (76.6%) were satisfied with the service provide in emergency room, the same time with the control group 29 respondents (61.7%) feel quite satisfied with the service provide in emergency room. Indepentent t test showed the average satisfaction value of the experimental group =80,72> and control group =70,85. The value of ?=0.000