@thesis{thesis, author={HARYADI TRI}, title ={PENGARUH KIE DAN PEMBERIAN LABEL SAAT WAKTU TUNGGU TERHADAP TINGKAT KECEMASAN KELUARGA PASIEN ZONA KUNING DI IGD RSUD SIDOARJO}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/519/}, abstract={ABSTRACT: During the treatment process, anxiety can be felt by families whose members are hospitalized. This study aims to determine the effect of KIE and labeling on the anxiety level of the patient's family in the yellow zone of the emergency room at RSUD Sidoarjo. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-post test with control group design with a total of 60 respondents taken by purposive sampling. The instrument used was the State Anxiety Inventory (S-ai) anxiety questionnaire form y. The results of the analysis test using the Mann-Whitney, the Asymp results were obtained. Sig 0.010 <0.05, which means that there is an effect before and after the intervention by giving IEC and 5 finger labeling. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that it can provide solutions and appropriate management, namely giving KIE and giving 5 finger labels to overcome the anxiety of the patient's family in the yellow zone of the emergency room at RSUD Sidoarjo. Keyword :KIE, Anxiety, Family, Emergency department} }