@thesis{thesis, author={ROHMAH AINUR}, title ={HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN ORANG TUA TENTANG KESEHATAN GIGI DAN MULUT DENGAN KEBIASAAN MENGGOSOK GIGI PADA ANAK USIA PRA SEKOLAH KB MAWAR DUSUN KRAJAN DESA MALASAN WETAN KECAMATAN TEGALSIWALAN KABUPATEN PROBOLINGGO}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/522/}, abstract={Abstract ? The most common dental and oral health problem in school children is dental caries. One effective way to maintain oral hygiene is to brush your teeth regularly and regularly. Knowing the relationship between parental knowledge about dental and oral health with the habit of brushing teeth in pre-school age children KB Mawar Dusun Krajan, Malasan Wetan Village, Tegalsiwalan District, Probolinggo Regency. The research design is descriptive. Taking non-probability sampling with total sampling technique. The number of samples is 36 respondents. This research will be conducted in January ? February 2023. The results showed that most of the parents' knowledge was good, 20 respondents (55.6%). Parents with sufficient and less knowledge were 8 respondents (22.2%). the habit of brushing teeth is mostly lacking 19 respondents (52.8%). Meanwhile, 17 respondents (47.2%) had good tooth brushing habits. Based on the results of the chi square test of .003, which means that the sig value <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between parental knowledge about oral and dental health and the habit of brushing teeth in pre-school-aged children KB Mawar, Dusun Krajan, Desa Malasan Wetan, Kec. Tegalsiwalan Regency Probolinggo. It is hoped that the results of this study can serve as input as a reference source for further research and as a reference for improving the quality of education in accordance with developments in knowledge and technology, especially in the field of child health. Keywords: knowledge, dental and oral health, habit of brushing teeth} }