@thesis{thesis, author={ROHADI PETRUS}, title ={HUBUNGAN LAMA TINGGAL DENGAN KEPUASAN PASIEN DI IGD RSUD SIDOARJO}, year={2023}, url={http://repo.stikesmajapahit.ac.id/534/}, abstract={Abstract Patient satisfaction is an important goal in the health care system. Many factors influence patient satisfaction related to health services and health service providers. Extended service time is a global problem experienced by hospitals in the world, time is an important tool for measuring the quality of service quality in emergency departments, if the long waiting time for patients in emergency departments is prolonged it will lead to overcrowding and will have an impact on health services.The research objective was to determine the relationship between the length of stay and patient satisfaction in the RSUD Sidoarjo. The design of this study was correlational with a cross-sectional sampling technique and the number of samples was 367 patients in February 2023. This research was conducted in February 2023. The results of the study showed that most patients had moderate satisfaction of 49.31% (181 people), high satisfaction of 12.80%, and 37.89% (139 people) had low satisfaction. Based on the Spearman rho statistical test calculation with a significant level value = 0.000, the result is r = -0.983. Then H0 is rejected, so there is a perfect negative relationship between the two variables, the variables move in opposite directions, namely the length of stay of the patient and patient satisfaction. So, if the patient's length of stay is shorter (length of stay <4 hours), then patient satisfaction will tend to increase. Keywords: length of stay, satisfaction, patient} }